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Guillotine X

​All-purpose seasoning spicinessNo.1 in Japan

800,000 Scovillethe impact of

​Get it now! !

What is ​Guillotine✖

Extracting only the pungent component from chili peppers 

Hottest in JapanEight million Scoville!

It is a one-of-a-kind delicacy that does not interfere with the taste of chili peppers, powder, or pepper sauce.

​A must-have item for spicy fans!

​ Recommended for:

・Those who want to enjoy spicy food at home!

・ Those who are not satisfied with the spiciness of everyday life!

​ ・Those who want to blow away the daily stress with spiciness!

​Customer's voice



​Try Guillotine X first!

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